Post 3: My dream job.


I try to be sincere everytime I describe my experiences and feelings  cause I am convinced this can be a safe space to be open about what I think or feel.  This time I’m going to talk about something I’ve been deeling for a while and the effort is quite big for me.

I’m 24 years old but I have no idea of what I want to do with my life yet. I feel very lost about a lot of things. I have been processing both personal issues and thoughts. I still don’t know  my dream job. I’m studying Art and I enjoy it. I feel a huge passion learning everyday and doing new things. I would like having visual art in my life till the end  but I’m not sure if it can be my world. Sometimes I feel like I don’t belong there.

I often feel overwhelmed because of that matter, but at the same time I attempt to be pacient with my own self and give me the time to choose. There are many things I like and I wish I could learn  and study my whole life. However, I’m aware of my responsabilities and if I want to be an independent adult I will have to get a job.

I would like to teach and have an engraving workshop or make drawing courses and share my passion and graphic knowlegde, interact and learn from others too. I also want to be a tattoo artist, it would be so cool.

I like human science and I’ve been thinking study psychology or become a psychiatrist. I love read about the human complexity, the mind and behavior, our brain function, the way we act, feel and change. I think I could have a job like that. Since last year, when I received my autism diagnosis I’ve been desire specializing in autism, concretely adult diagnosis or therapy. I have interested in gender stereotypes and certain difficulties to detect autism, women are less likely than men  to have an autism diagnosis, there is a whole world to study yet. I would like to help people just like my psychologist helped me. It would be a dream guide people with respect, understanding and empathy. We could share experiences and be a safe place to each other.



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